After a first date, a period of uncertainty begins for most of the people. Who writes first? What’s the right way to act now? When do you ask for the second date? You find asking yourself so many questions and yet no appropriate answer because there are no right answers to these questions.

Everyone is different and it not possible to know what someone is thinking. You don’t know if the person is still interested or maybe he or she have developed feelings for you already. Are they just too shy to ask?

 Most of the people believe in the old fashioned point of view that the woman should wait for the man to call and he if does not, it means he is no longer interested. But not every man has then confidence and immediately has the courage to write a woman just after the first date. The woman can as well initiate a conversation after the first date but sometimes a message from the woman following the date might not work for those men who take the lead and keep the upper hand in the flirting game and always want to conquer the woman.

There are those women who want to be wooed while others are self-confident women who like to take matters into their own hand. But you don’t know the kind of person you went on a date with until it is too late and that’s why the period after the date is the most difficult. It is always important to follow your gut instinct and the heart will follow all by itself.

Listening to your gut instinct will help you choose the option that you’re most comfortable with and if things don’t work well, at least you stayed true to yourself and it's worth when you are looking for Mr. or Mrs. Right.