How do Singaporean Singles find a long lasting relationship online?
There are those of us who are shy to approach new people. It’s understandable, but that doesn’t mean that you are going to stay single forever. If you are in Singapore and belong to this category you can seek love online. There are numerous dating apps joining millions of singles in Singapore and you stand a high chance of finding love.
There is nothing to be ashamed of when you are on an online dating platform. Don’t shy off talking about yourself and what you seek, after all, everyone on the platform wants the same thing. Evaluate every possible matching partner and determine who you feel that you can be compatible with.
These are the best sites for Singles 2025
Our recommendations for Singles
How to find love online in Singapore
Make a decision on the appropriate online dating platform to register with, you can try out the free membership trial or go ahead to the premium membership. While registering fill in the personality test honestly since this is the information that will be used to match you to potential partners. Ensure that you select an appealing profile picture so that you can stand out.
You are now ready to start off things. Depending on your membership plan you can start exchanging messages with your potential partners. -
Good opening message is key
On finding other SG singles that you feel you can make a match with, you should then reach out to them and message them. Never underestimate the power of a good conversation starter. This is what will give the other partner an impression of what kind of person you are and whether they should text you back or just go to the next person.
This is an online dating site and there are high chances that you are not the only one interested in a certain partner. More often than not simple plain messages like “Hi” or Hey” never get a reply. Be creative and you can try and ask out a certain question or make a compliment, this way you stand better chances.
Just because we have said that the message shouldn’t be one word, that doesn’t mean that it should be a whole novel. Keep the messages medium and relevant and after a few messages, you can propose a phone call or a face to face meeting. -
First date in Singapore
After exchanging several messages you should both agree on convenient ways in which you can meet. However, both parties have to be comfortable so don’t be so pushy about this, if they are not ready to give them more time.
As mentioned earlier you are looking for a love partner so on your first meetings don’t suggest that you meet at home. This will give indications that you are only after sex. Instead, go to a chic restaurant or a cool bar. Maybe you would like to do something more active and decide to something sporty together. Don’t rush things let everything fall in place at the right time!
After the first date if you like the person you should propose another date, at the same time if it was a deal breaker you should let them know so as to avoid giving them false hopes. -
How SG singles should continue after the date itself
It is nearly impossible to determine whether he/she is the right one for you after just a single date. Reach out to each other for a possible second date so that you get to know each other better.
Don’t give false hopes and start talking about a possible second date whereas you know it won’t work out just because you don’t want to hurt them. Let your partner know the truth so that they can start looking for another matching single.
If you felt connected to the fact date: call the other person and set up another date, who knows this might be the soul mate you have been searching for all these years!